Complementary Roles for the Genders in Ministry

We believe God has made available His grace, mercy, and salvation to both genders, male and female. God also calls all followers of Christ, both male and female, to serve Him through the church. God has designated complementary role distinctions for the genders (male and female) in the church. Those distinct roles include that only the male gender is to occupy the position of pastor(s), elder(s), deacon(s), and that only the male gender is permitted to teach adult males in the church. These limited role distinctions are not designed by God to negate women from using their gifts and abilities for the glory of Christ.

We believe the issue of male and female gender roles in the church and family is given in Scripture. Woman is not inferior to man, nor does God hold man in favor over woman. But God does have a design of “spiritual headship” designated for the husband in his family, and the man in the church. It should also be understood that women were involved in ministry functions with Christ and in the early church. These were not roles which would violate the spiritual headship of man, but were ministry roles suitable for women. God ‘s biblical plan for families and churches is to trust Him and His plan of complementary role distinctions for the genders. (1 Cor. 11:1-12; 14:33-36; Eph. 5:21-25; 1 Tim. 2:11-14; 3:1-13; Titus 2:3-4; 1 Pet. 3:1-7)